New Zealand Biosecurity Academy Limited (NZBA) is a part of The Omah Group. The Omah Group is a privately owned enterprise with companies across New Zealand covering industries such as civil construction, open space management, ecological restoration, biosecurity services, ecological consultancy and workplace training. In the past few years, our companies have been on a journey developing, implementing and executing on new project and learning opportunities.
The other organisations that are a part of the Omah Group are:
Workplace Training
Grounds & Services Limited
Ecology New Zealand
New Zealand Biosecurity Services Limited
Omah Services.
Empowering learners to realise their full potential.
NZBA is a Private Training Establishment that has been granted registration by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority under Part 18 of the Education Act 1989.
NZBA also trades as Workplace Training Limited.
We are an MPI-approved training organisation delivering Transitional Facility Operator and Accredited Person courses as well as an approved ConstructSafe assessment provider.
We specialise in Biosecurity and Health and Safety training and provide consultancy and advisory services to our clients. Our team members have extensive biosecurity, health and safety, and regulatory knowledge and experience.
NZBA's training and advisory services are delivered both nationally and internationally, using qualified facilitators and extensive resources to help you achieve your personal, operational and/or business objectives.
We guarantee high quality training and flexibility. Our courses are offered in-person, via webinar and eLearning, and at your location. We work closely with our learners to ensures you are put on the right pathway to the career you want or further training you need. NZBA is committed to support the wellbeing and safety of our learners, as summarised in the below overview of our strategic goals: (please click on the image to read NZBA's self-review against The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 (the Code))