Accident and Incident Investigation
Successful completion of our Accident and Incident Investigation course leads to the award of unit standard 17601 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF) - Produce an occupational health and safety incident investigation.
About This Course
Course Fee
(Excl. GST)
NZQA Level
NZQA Credits
NZQA Unit Standard
This 8-hour course gives learners the skills and knowledge to effectively report and investigate accidents and incidents - understand why and how they occur and what's required when undertaking an investigation under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA).
New Zealand Biosecurity Academy has Consent to Assess against the unit standard indicated above and has had this course pre-moderated and approved by our standard setting body The Skills Organisation.
Training is available in-classroom in Albany or Manukau, online via webinar, or at your location by prior arrangement.
Course Overview
The Accident and Incident Investigation course is ideal for all those who are responsible for participating in the accident and incident investigation process at their workplace, including Owners, Managers, Supervisors and Team Leads. Learners will gain an understanding of multiple causation and root cause analysis. After this course, learners will be able to effectively demonstrate competence in the investigation process, including incident reporting, gathering, analysis and implementation of corrective action and follow-up.
Learning Outcomes
Explain why workplace accidents need to be reported and investigated
Explain the concepts of multiple causation and root-cause analysis.
Detail an incident investigation process using a hypothetical incident.
Produce an incident investigation report based on a documented incident.
Content and Delivery
Course content includes:
Investigation process
Barriers to reporting
Multiple Causation and Root-Cause Analysis
Risk Control Measures
Corrective Action implementation
Hypothetical incident scenario.
Delivery (Blended Learning):
8-hour classroom or webinar session
Online Forum Discussions
eLearning videos
Two Assessments
Information for Learners
Entry and selection requirements
To be eligible to enrol into this course, all learners must meet, or be able to demonstrate, the following criteria:
Be at least 16 years of age
Be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident.
Have (or be able to demonstrate ability to meet) a Level 1 qualification or obtain competence in a Level 1 pre-assessment that reflects literacy and numeracy abilities;
have a minimum of 3 years secondary education. -
Have achieved a minimum standard of English as demonstrated by a minimum of 8 credits at NCEA Level 1 in English;
Have (or be able to demonstrate an ability to meet) written and oral English skills equivalent to IELTS 5.5 or higher. -
Be able to provide proof of identity. This can be either a Passport or Drivers Licence.
Reassessment and Appeals
Learners are able to re-sit assessments for which they do not achieve competency. If learners wish to re-sit assessments, they will need to contact the Training Coordinator who will arrange for this to take place.
In the event that candidates have a concern about their assessment, we ask that in the first instance, you talk with the trainer or contact the Training Coordinator. The trainer will re-assess the learner in consultation with the NZBA management team. If the learner is still not satisfied following the re-assessment procedure, NZBA will initiate external post-assessment moderation with the appropriate advisory group member for a final assessment decision.
The assessment for this course completion of two assessments and one observation.
Learners must achieve 100% in all assessment outcomes in order to pass.
Welfare and Guidance
Learners are able to approach the trainer regarding support, guidance and cultural sensitivities.
Treaty of Waitangi / Te Tiriti O Waitangi
NZBA recognises the Treaty of Waitangi as the founding document of New Zealand and seeks to apply the principles of the treaty in our day to day activities.
Upcoming Sessions
Dec 11 - Dec 17