Accredited Person - Sea and Air - Online Webinar
The focus of this live webinar course is on sea container sites with an overview for a Transitional Facility that may also get air containers.
About This Course
5 Hours
Course Fee
(Excl. GST)
The online webinar consists of learning activities via Microsoft Teams. Candidates must have access to:
a good quality, stable internet connection
a laptop or desktop computer
a web cam and microphone.
Each webinar is concluded by a short assessment, completed online. Candidates are required to pass the assessment to be approved by MPI.
Please note, a good level of English comprehension is needed, as is a basic level of written English in order to complete the MPI assessment requirements.
Duration of Online Course
The Accredited Person - Sea and Air - Online course is 5 hours in duration.
Each webinar is concluded by a short assessment, completed online. Candidates are required to pass the assessment to be approved by MPI.
After successful completion of this course and the assessment, NZBA will issue participants with an Accredited Person training certificate along with a set of instructions that need to be followed to become an MPI Accredited Person.
Our webinar training is delivered just as if you were in the classroom, with one of our experienced facilitators presenting the course live.
A MPI Accredited Person (AP) is at the front line of biosecurity, playing a key role in maintaining New Zealand free from unwanted pests and diseases associated with imported sea containers.
MPI has developed two versions of the Accredited Person Training - if you are dealing with air containers (air cans, flat racks, etc.), our Accredited Person - Air and Sea course is aimed at businesses that predominately handle air containers.
MPI Accredited Persons (APs) are responsible for effectively checking and managing contamination risks associated with imported air and sea containers.
All Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI - formerly MAF) Approved Transitional Facilities (ATF) for air and sea containers must have access to one or more Accredited Person (AP). Having a member of your own team approved by MPI as an Accredited Person (AP) helps you to avoid delays and potentially additional charges when clearing goods.
By the end of the Accredited Person - Sea and Air Training, you will be able to:
explain MPI's role and responsibility in relation to biosecurity
identify and describe some unwanted pests and diseases
explain the role and responsibilities of an Accredited Person
check a container
describe the actions to take when you find pests or contamination.
New Zealand Biosecurity Academy provides simple to understand, interactive training for you to become a MPI Accredited Person. We also provide refresher training and supplementary support to assist you in meeting MPI regulatory requirements via our Biosecurity Assistance Programme (BAP).
This is an MPI-approved training course.
It is not NZQA approved or related to NZBA's registration status as a Private Training Establishment.